The spread of infection via a shopping cart is uncommon but can occur. The need to clean a cart before use depends on several factors, such as an outbreak of an infectious disease.
Factors that may spread human pathogens include:
(1) a child's seat (if an infant in diapers has been carried there)
(2) fluids from fresh meat or poultry
(3) fresh produce
(4) blood or other body fluids
(5) other contamination of the cart's surface
Pathogens that could be spread include:
(1) norovirus
(2) enterovirusus
(3) viral hepatitis A
(4) viral hepatitis B
(5) Shigella
(6) other enteric pathogens
(7) pinworms (Enterobius)
Prevention of infection can include:
(1) look over the cart for signs of gross contamination
(2) wiping the cart with a suitable cleaning cloth
(3) wearing gloves
(4) placing meats and produce in plastic bags
(5) keeping meats and produce away from infants and other foods
(6) observing packaged foods for signs of external contamination
(7) looking for damage to packaging or contents of fresh food