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Eikenella corrodens is one of the HACEK organisms.

Microbiological features: small, non-spore-forming, facultatively anaerobic, nonmotile Gram-negative rod. Colonies are gray, translucent, and non-hemolytic, with slow growth enhanced by 5% carbon dioxide.


The organism is considered part of the normal flora of the oropharynx and upper respiratory tract.


In a normal host it can cause minor infections that are benign and mild, primarily around the head and neck.


If the patient has a defect in host defenses (diabetes, immunosuppression, immunodeficiency, cancer, etc), then it can cause severe, invasive disease.


Infections include:

(1) bacterial endocarditis and/or sepsis

(2) pericarditis and/or pleural empyema

(3) sinusitis

(4) abscess (brain, thyroid, liver, perirenal, etc)

(5) cellulitis

(6) myositis

(7) joint infection

(8) osteomyelitis

(9) meningitis

(10) urinary tract infection


Infection can follow a human bite or surgery to the head and neck.


Cure requires both antibiotics and (debridement or drainage).

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