Genital tuberculosis in a male can result in infertility and/or sexual dysfunction.
Causes of infertility - any bilateral combination of:
(1) epididymitis
(2) orchitis
(3) involvement of the vas deferens
(4) involvement of the seminal vesicle
Causes of sexual dysfunction:
(1) urethral stricture
(2) penile lesions
(3) draining sinus in scrotum or inguinal lymph nodes
(4) bilateral orchitis
A man with tuberculosis will often have other reasons for sexual dysfunction (fever, fatigue, weight loss, night sweats, etc).
Laboratory testing:
(1) semen analysis
(2) acid fast smear and mycobacterial culture
Imaging studies can be very helpful in identifying affected organs.
Sexual partners for the patient should be screened for tuberculosis.
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Specialty: Urology, Clinical Laboratory
ICD-10: ,