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The International Reflux Study Committee proposed a classification scheme for grading the severity of vesicoureteral reflux.


Imaging studies:

(1) These are not described in the paper.

(2) Higher grades could be defined by several imaging techniques, including intravenous pyelograms.

(3) Grades I and II need to demonstrate reflux from the bladder into the ureters.



reflux into ureter only


reflux into ureter, pelvis and calices

no dilatation of caliceal fornices


mild or moderate dilatation and/or tortuosity of ureter

mild or moderate dilatation of renal pelvis

no or slight blunting of fornices


moderate dilatation and/or tortuosity of ureter

moderate dilatation of renal pelvis and calices

complete obliteration of the sharp angle of the fornices, but maintenance of the papillary impressions in the majority of calices


gross dilatation and tortuosity of ureter

gross dilatation of renal pelvis and calices

papillary impressions no longer visible in the majority of calices



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