A patient with antiphospholipid syndrome (aPL) may develop complications within intra-abdominal organs. The presence of aPL should be considered when these conditions are encountered in clinical practice.
Hepatic complications of hypercoagulable state:
(1) Budd-Chiari syndrome
(2) hepatic vein thrombosis including hepatic veno-occlusive disease
(3) hepatic infarction
(4) portal hypertension
(5) hepatic artery thrombosis in transplanted liver
Hypercoagulable complications in other intra-abdominal organs:
(1) acute pancreatitis
(2) splenic infarction
(3) functional asplenia (autosplenectomy)
(4) intestinal ischemia with angina and/or ischemia/infarction
(5) intestinal bleeding
The catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome may be associated with widespread thrombosis in multiple organs.
A patient with one of these conditions may have aPL:
(1) nodular regenerative hyperplasia
(2) autoimmune hepatitis
(3) biliary cirrhosis
(4) inflammatory bowel disease
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