
Antigens in an hydatid cyst can be the trigger for anaphylaxis during surgery.

Risk factors for echinococcosis include:

(1) living in or travel to an endemic region

(2) high risk occupation (sheep farmer, hunter, etc)


Triggers for anaphylaxis may include:

(1) trauma (including motor vehicle accident)

(2) surgery or aspiration of a suspected hydatid cyst

(3) surgery or aspiration of any other cyst (usually hepatic but can be elsewhere)


Clinical presentation:

(1) sudden hemodynamic collapse

(2) sudden increase in airway pressures (associated with bronchospasm)

(3) generalized erythema


Blood testing will be positive for histamine and tryptase.


Exclusion of alternative diagnoses:

(1) carcinoid syndrome

(2) tension pneumothorax

(3) acute myocardial infarction

(4) other causes of anaphylaxis

(5) hypovolemic shock

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