The Juvenile Arthritis Functional Assessment Report for Children (JAFAR-C) can be used to assess functional impairment in a child with juvenile arthritis. It can be used to monitor disease activity over time and response to therapeutic interventions. The authors are from Childrens' Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio.
NOTE: The same observations asked of the parent or guardian is referred to as the Juvenile Arthritis Functional Assessment Report for Parents (JAFAR-P).
Instructions to the child: How often have you been able to do the following activities over the past week? (for parents: How often has the child been able……")
Functional measures:
(1) take shirt off hanger
(2) button shirt
(3) pull on sweater over head
(4) turn on water faucet
(5) climb into bathtub
(6) dry back with towel
(7) wash face with washcloth
(8) tie shoelaces
(9) pull on socks
(10) brush teeth
(11) stand up from chair without using arms
(12) get into bed
(13) cut food with knife and fork
(14) lift empty glass to mouth
(15) reopen previously opened food jar
(16) walk 50 feet without help
(17) walk up 5 steps
(18) stand up on tiptoes
(19) reach above head
(20) get out of bed
(21) pick up something from floor from standing position
(22) push open door after turning knob
(23) turn head and look over shoulder
Response |
Points |
all the time |
0 |
sometimes |
1 |
almost never |
2 |
JAFAR-C score =
= SUM(points for all 23 items)
• minimum score: 0
• maximum score: 46
• The higher the score, the greater the impairment.
child's score as percent of maximal disability =
= (total score) / 46 * 100%
• Coefficient alpha was 0.85 for child and 0.93 for parent.
• The score shows good construct validity when compared to other measures.
Purpose: To evaluate the functional ability of a pediatric patient with juvenile arthritis using the Juvenile Arthritis Functional Assessment Report for Children.
Specialty: Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation, Immunology/Rheumatology
Objective: severity, prognosis, stage, response to therapy, disability and performance
ICD-10: M08,