
Klismaphilia refers to sexual arousal and gratification associated with giving and receiving enemas ("water sports").



(1) sexual arousal when giving or receiving an enema

(2) preference for enemas over other forms of sexual behavior

(3) investing emotionally and economically in enema-related paraphernalia


Not everyone who uses enemas has an enema fetish. An essential feature is the sexual arousal that occurs.


Hazards that may occur in devotees:

(1) complications of anal insertion of foreign bodies, with the risk of laceration or perforation

(2) complications of applying too much pressure to the fluid

(3) sexually transmitted diseases

(4) acute colitis secondary to additives in the enema fluid

(5) allergic reaction to additives in the enema fluid

(6) water intoxication

(7) burn injury

(8) drug overdosage if drugs added to enema fluid


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