
Kyphosis can result in a number of impairments, especially in a patient with osteoporosis.


Disabilities associated with kyphosis:

(1) impaired pulmonary function, with decreases in FEV1, and FVC, which may be significant in patients with COPD, asthma or other lung disease

(2) impaired mobility, especially in using stairs

(3) impaired reach

(4) impaired ability to lift and carry things

(5) imbalance with increased risk of falls

(6) depression

(7) impaired work performance


If the kyphosis is due to osteoporosis:

(1) increased fractures


Risk factors for impairment:

(1) decreased muscle strength

(2) severity of the kyphosis

(3) vertigo or poor eyesight

(4) other comorbid conditions (arthritis, etc)


These result in decreased quality of life and increased functional dependency. Fear of falling may cause the person to restrict activities further.


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