An athlete who is ill may still try to participate in practice or a sporting event. The coach or trainer should review athletes for lesions that may indicate that the athlete has a contagious disease.
Skin exam:
(1) hair or skin lesions of tinea
(2) open wounds
(3) vesicles
(4) pustules
(5) linear skin burrows (for Scabies)
(6) unexplained skin rash
(1) conjunctivitis
(2) coryza (nasal discharge)
(3) cough
(4) abdominal cramping or diarrhea
(5) vomiting
(6) fever
Findings suggesting an acute viral infection should result in the athlete either going home or being segregated from others.
Open wounds may receive first aid if small.
Other findings should be referred to the athlete's physician who should determine when the athlete can return to play.
If one athlete on a team has a finding, then other players should be monitored for that finding to allow for early detection of a potential outbreak.
Any equipment that the person has been in contact with should be cleaned with a disinfectant.
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