
Malassezia (formerly Pityrosporum) can cause a spectrum of diseases including folliculitis.


Risk factors for Malassezia folliculitis:

(1) diabetes mellitus

(2) Cushing’s syndrome

(3) multiple trauma

(4) chronic renal failure

(5) transplantation (renal, bone marrow, other)

(6) malignancy

(7) therapy with broad spectrum antibiotics

(8) therapy with corticocsteroids

(9) immunosuppression


Clinical findings:

(1) erythematous papulopustular rash

(2) pruritis

(3) crusting


Lesions are most common over the trunk but can occur anywhere.


The organism can be demonstrated by smear, biopsy and/or culture.


Diagnosis requires exclusion of other causes of folliculitis:

(1) Staphylococcus aureus

(2) acne

(3) Candidiasis


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