
Rarely mass lesions may be found in the hepatic ligaments and may have a delayed diagnosis.

Ligaments: falciform, round (ligamentum teres hepatis)


The patient may be present with acute abdomen, or the lesion may be found as an incidental finding.


The lesion is usually seen on imaging studies or at surgery.


Benign lesions of the hepatic ligament may include:

(1) abscess

(2) hematoma

(3) lipoma

(4) simple cyst

(5) hydatid cyst

(6) torsion of a fatty appendage

(7) cystic lymphangioma

(8) hemangioma

(9) leiomyoma


Malignant tumors of the hepatic ligaments may include:

(1) malignant mesothelioma

(2) leiomyosarcoma

(3) germ cell tumor

(4) clear cell epithelioid tumor

(5) metastatic carcinoma

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