
Shields et al reported a maternal early warning trigger (MEWT) tool for evaluation of the obstetrical patient. It can help to identify a patient who should undergo a clinical evaluation. The authors are from Marian Regional Medical Center (Santa Maria), Dignity Health (San Francisco), and Sacramento Maternal Fetal Medicine Medical Group.

Patient selectin: pregnant woman





<= 36°C or >= 38°C

pulse oximeter

<= 93%

heart rate

< 50 or > 110 bpm

respiratory rate

< 12 or > 24 bpm

systolic blood pressure

< 80 or > 155 mm Hg

diastolic blood pressure

< 45 or > 105 mm Hg

mental status


fetal heart rate

> 160 bpm


Indications for further evaluation:

(1) abnormal maternal temperature

(2) >= 2 abnormal triggers

(3) 1 trigger and nurse uncomfortable with patient status

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