
Mayaro virus (MAYV) is an arbovirus being recognized more frequently. It must be distinguished from other arboviral infections with overlapping symptoms.

Arbovirus: alphavirus, member of Togaviridae family, with single-stranded RNA


Location: tropical and subtropical regions in South America, Central America and the Caribbean


Cases may be encountered in non-endemic regions in travelers.


Vector: mosquitoes, Aedes plus other species


Risk factors primarily reflect exposure to mosquitoes (rainy season, rain forest).


Clinical features:

(1) skin rash

(2) arthralgias or polyarthritis, which can be disabling

(3) headache

(4) conjunctivitis

(5) myalgias

(6) fever


Differential diagnosis:

(1) dengue

(2) Chikungunya

(3) Zika

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