The patient is asked 32 questions about limitations, feelings and symptoms. The response to each question is associated with a specific colored card (blue, green, red or yellow), each of which shows a 7 point Likert scale (range from 1 to 7).
Questions are divided into 4 subdomains:
(1) symptoms (12 questions)
(2) activities (11 questions)
(3) emotions (5 questions)
(4) environmental stimuli (4 questions)
subdomain score =
= SUM(points for each response in questions belonging to the domain)
total score =
= SUM(points for each response for all 32 questions)
• minimum total score: 32,
• maximum total score: 224
• The higher the score, the lower the impairment; the lower the score, the higher the impairment
• Use of the questionnaire may require an agreement with McMaster University.