A male neonate with meconium peritonitis secondary to complicated meconium ileus may develop a meconium periorchitis.
Synonym: meconium hydrocele
Clinical features:
(1) swelling of the scrotum in a newborn male
(2) history of meconium peritonitis
(3) examination of the fluid within the scrotum shows greenish fluid that may be thick and tenacious
The meconium reaches the scrotum by passing through processus vaginalis testis.
If the meconium calcifies then the patient may develop hard scrotal mass that may be confused with tumor.
Causes of meconium peritonitis:
(1) fetal bowel perforation
(2) complicated meconium ileus (Almost all patients with meconium ileus will have cystic fibrosis).
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Specialty: Urology, Dermatology
ICD-10: ,