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Jones et al reported Medical Emergency Team (MET) calling criteria based on a poster displayed at Austin Hospital in Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia. The authors are from the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre, Monash University, University of Melbourne, Austin Hospital and University of Pittsburgh.

A "Code Blue" is called immediately if:

(1) the patient is not breathing

(2) the patient has no pulse


Indications to call the medical emergency team (MET):

(1) obstructed airway

(2) stridor or noisy breathing

(3) problem with a tracheostomy tube

(4) any other difficulty breathing

(5) respiratory rate < 8 or > 25 breaths per minute

(6) oxygen saturation <= 90% despite high-flow oxygen

(7) pulse < 40 or > 120 beats per minute

(8) systolic blood pressure < 90 mm Hg

(9) urine output < 50 mL over 4 hours

(10) sudden change in consciousness

(11) unable to rouse the patient

(12) if otherwise worried about the patient

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