
The volume of the liver can be estimated in vivo from equations using 3 measurements obtained during ultrasound examination.


Equation 1


liver volume in mL =

= (-2364) + (89.2 * (CC in cm)) + (119.9 * (AP in cm)) + (59.6 * (LL in cm))


Equation 2


liver volume in mL =

= 133.2 + (0.422 * (CC in cm) * (AP in cm) * (LL in cm))



• CC: maximum cranio-caudal diameter measured on a longitudinal scan along the mid-clavicular line, running parallel to the xipho-umbilical line

• AP: maximum antero-posterior diameter measured on a longitudinal scan along the mid-clavicular line, running parallel to the xipho-umbilical line

• LL: maximum latero-lateral diameter measured in a transverse subcostal scan


Performance compared to CT volume determination:

• R^2 for equation 1: 0.773; standard error 167 mL

• R^2 for equation 2: 0.756; standard error 163 mL


Sources of variability:

(1) Focal lesions causing asymmetry.

(2) Normal variability in hepatic size and shape.

(3) Operator technique and selection of maximum diameter.


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