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The Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA®) is a tool for evaluating the nutritional status of an elderly patient. It consists of 18 items that are simple and rapid to measure. This can help target patients needing nutritional intervention or dietary modifications. Its development was supported by the Nestle Research Centre in Switzerland.


Sections to the assessment (18 items):

(1) anthropometric: 4 items (1 to 4)

(2) general: 6 items (5 to 10)

(3) dietary: 6 items (11 to 16)

(4) self assessment: 2 items (17 and 18)



• In item 12, the markers of protein intake are

(a) at least 1 serving of dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.) per day

(b) 2 or more servings of legumes or eggs per week

(c) meat, fish or poultry eaten every day

• In item 14, responses are "severe loss of appetite", "moderate loss of appetite", and "no loss of appetite" but the question includes 3 other problems affecting food intake. I have modified the responses to include these.

• In item 17, a mild nutritional problem is not included in the responses. I've graded it as for "no nutritional problem".


assessment total score =

= SUM(points for all 18 items)



• minimum total score: 0

• maximum total score: 30

• Risk of malnutrition is associated with a low total score.


Total Score

Malnutrition Indicator

>= 24 points


17 – 23.5

at risk of malnutrition

< 17



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