Most patients with Wilson's Disease will present with hepatobiliary or neuropsychiatric findings. Other systems may also be affected and serve as clues to the diagnosis.
Manifestations of Wilson's Disease other than hepatobiliary and neuropsychiatric:
(1) Coombs-negative hemolytic anemia
(2) Kayer-Fleischer rings
(3) sunflower cataracts
(4) lunulae ceruleae (symmetrical bluish color of the whitish crescent at the base of the nails, typically the thumbs)
(5) aminoaciduria
(6) nephrolithiasis
(7) premature osteoporosis
(8) arthritis
(9) cardiomyopathy
(10) cardiac arrhythmias
(11) pancreatitis
(12) hypoparathyroidism
(13) isolated splenomegaly
(14) in females, menstrual irregularities
(15) in females, infertility or repeated miscarriages
(16) low serum alkaline phosphatase
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