Sitges-Serra et al reported a nomogram for predicting hypoparathyroidism after total thyroidectomy. The authors are from University Hospital del Mar (Barcelona), Fundacion Jimenez Diaz, Jagiellonian University, and University of Padova.
Patient selection: total thyroidectomy
Outcome: permanent hypoparathyroidism (serum iPTH < 15 pg/mL and requiring medical treatment after a 1 year follow-up)
(1) serum calcium at 1 month after surgery in mg/dL
(2) serum iPTH (intact PTH) at 1 month in pg/mL
X =
= (2.781 * (calcium)) + (0.458 * (iPTH)) - 27.8
probability of recovery of parathyroid function =
= 1 / (1 + EXP((-1) * X))
probability of a failure to recover =
= 100 - (percent probability of recovery)
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