
Chen et al reported models for predicting the severity of various stages of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) due to a Hantavirus infection. Changes shown by a patient may predict clinical deterioration. The authors are from Xi'an Jiaotong University, Fudan University and Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China.

Patient selection: nonfebrile stage of hantavirus-associated hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome


Predictors of severe disease during the febrile stage:

(1) reduced eGFR (positive value, OR 15.7)

(2) lower serum sodium (OR 0.85)

(3) higher urine conductivity (OR 1.46)

(4) maximum renal cystatin C (OR 1.8)

(5) elevated serum enzymes for myocardial damage (OR 1.00, with better coefficient 0.001)



• The low serum potassium and elevated urine conductivity suggests urine sodium wastage. Measuring urine sodium might be informative.

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