
Christianen et al developed several predictive models for swallowing dysfunction following chemoradiation for head and neck cancer. One model predicts problems with swallowing. The authors are from University Medical Center Groningen and VU University Medical Center Amsterdam in The Netherlands.

Patient selection: head and neck cancer after chemoradiation


Outcome: problems choking while swallowing



(1) V60 of esophageal inlet muscle (EIM) in percent

(2) mean radiation dose to supraglottic larynx in Gray (Gy)


X =

= (0.066 * (mean dose to supraglottic larynx)) + (0.020 * (V60 EIM)) – 7.07


probability of choking while swallowing =

= 1 / (1 + EXP((-1) * X))


Unfortunately, this does not give value matching the accompanying diagram. A nomogram is given with


points for V60 EIM =

= 0.08 * (percent)


points for radiation dose =

= 0.239 * (dose)


total score =

= SUM(both parameters)



• minimum score: 0

• maximum score: 26




0 to 16

(0.01706 * ((score)^2)) – (0.02692 * (score)) + 0.0174

16 to 26

(0.2455 * ((score)^2)) – (7.127 * (score)) + 55.35



• The area under the ROC curve was 0.77.

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