
Dyken listed a number of criteria which can be used to diagnose subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE).



(1) progressive subacute mental deterioration with myoclonus and other typical findings

(2) EEG showing periodic stereotypic high voltage discharges

(3) oligoclonal bands in the CSF and/or elevated gammaglobulins in the CSF (>= 20% of total protein)

(4) brain biopsy showing panencephalitis

(5) elevated anti-measles antibodies in the serum (>= 1:256) and/or in the CSF (>=1:4)



• These criteria are discussed by Dyken on pages 186-188.

• The classic EEG changes only occur in a subset of patients during Stage II.

• Dyken uses 1:128 for serum and 1:8 for CSF.


The diagnosis of SSPE requires the presence of 3 or more of these findings.


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