Macrae and Wright modified a linear measurement observed by Schober during anterior lumbar flexion.
(1) Have the person stand straight with feet together and arms at the side.
(2) Identify the lumbosacral junction on the midline of the back (point at the intersection of a vertical line through the spine and a horizontal line through the dimples of Venus)
(3) Mark a point 5 cm caudal to the junction.
(4) Mark a second point 10 cm cephalad to the junction.
(5) Measure the distance between these 2 points.
(6) Have the person bend forward, trying to touch toes with the fingertips.
(7) Measure the distance between these 2 points during maximum flexion.
• In the original Schober Index the distance was measured from the lumbosacral junction and not the point 5 cm caudal to it.
index in cm = "distraction on flexion" =
= (distance between the 2 points in cm with maximum flexion) - (distance between the 2 points in cm with the person erect) =
= (distance between the 2 points in cm with maximum flexion) - 15
• minimum distance: 0
• maximum distance: 11 cm
• According to the data in Macrae and Wright, most adults will have a distance of 7 to 10 cm. According to Jenkinson et al, a normal distance was > 4 cm.
• Ankylosis of the spine prevents flexion, resulting in a short distance.
• A person probably should serve as his/her own control, with reference point measured when lumbar flexion is normal.
• The distance decreases with age and is slightly greater in males.
According to Macrae and Wright (Figure 10, page 587) variation with age is:
distance in cm for a male =
= (8.04 - (0.029 * (age in years))
distance in cm for a female =
= (8.14 - (0.051 * (age in years))
The relationship between flexion of the lumbar spine and distance was given by Macrae and Wright (Figure 6, page 586) as:
skin distance in cm =
= (0.18 * (degrees of lumbar flexion)) + 0.67
This can be rearranged:
degree of lumbar flexion =
= (5.56 * (skin distance in cm)) - 3.72
Purpose: To evaluate a patient's anterior lumbar flexion using the modified Schober index of Macrae and Wright.
Specialty: Immunology/Rheumatology
Objective: clinical diagnosis, including family history for genetics, other testing
ICD-10: M45,