The introduction of plastic tubes to replace glass tubes required a modification in the sequence in which multiple vacutainers are drawn. This was due to the fact that plastic tubes require a clot activator not needed in plain glass tubes. The sequence is discussed in the CLSI (nee NCCLS) "Procedure for the collection of diagnostic blood specimens by venipuncture" (H3-A5).
Recommended sequence for filling tubes:
(1) blood culture tubes (or other sterile containers without additives)
(2) coagulation tube with citrate (blue top)
(3) serum tube with or without additives such as clot activator or gel separator (red top, with or without speckles)
(4) heparinized tube (green or yellow top)
(5) tube with EDTA (lavender top)
(6) glycolytic inhibitor such as oxalate/fluoride (gray top)
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