
Serum chromogranin A can be used to monitor a patient with a neuroendocrine tumor. If elevated it correlates with tumor load.


Neuroendocrine tumors that can be monitored with chromogranin A:

(1) islet cell tumors, carcinoid tumor or neuroendocrine carcinoma

(2) pheochromocytoma

(3) small cell undifferentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas

(4) parathyroid tumors

(5) pituitary tumors

(6) neuroblastomas


To be used as a biomarker it must:

(1) be elevated prior to therapy

(2) fall following therapy.


If tumor recurs or metastasizes then the serum chromogranin level should rise in parallel with the tumor burden.


Differential diagnosis – other conditions associated with an elevated serum chromogranin A level include:

(1) proton pump inhibitor therapy

(2) renal insufficiency

(3) liver disease

(4) inflammatory bowel disease

(5) atrophic gastritis

(6) stress


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