The Morbidity Assessment Index for Newborns (MAIN) can be used to evaluate newborn infants for morbidity. The tool is intended to allow comparison of the impact from obstetrical therapeutic strategies on neonatal outcomes.
Item Ranking (with Increasing Values)
Item |
Description |
Value |
1 |
poor sucking within 24 hours |
81 |
2 |
poor sucking at 24 hours to 7 days |
98 |
3 |
serum bilirubin 251-340 µmol/L, OR need for phototherapy |
103 |
4 |
apnea and need for oxygen |
115 |
5 |
assisted ventilation beyond 24 hours |
117 |
6 |
poor sucking beyond 7 days |
119 |
7 |
heart rate > 160 beats per minute |
120 |
8 |
Apgar score at 05 minutes < 7 |
125 |
9 |
resuscitation at birth with intubation |
127 |
10 |
hypotonia at 1-120 hours |
129 |
11 |
mechanical ventilation within 24 hours |
130 |
12 |
respiratory rate < 30 per minute or > 60 per minute at 3-24 hours |
131 |
13 |
mechanical ventilation at 24 hours to 7 days |
135 |
14 |
low systolic blood pressure (< 30 mm Hg for 28-32 weeks, < 40 mm Hg for 32-42 weeks) |
136 |
15 |
persistent vomiting |
136 |
16 |
level of consciousness: drowsy or lethargic |
137 |
17 |
single seizure, OR tremors |
137 |
18 |
apnea corrected by resuscitation |
140 |
19 |
respiratory rate > 100 per minute 3 to 24 hours |
140 |
20 |
low urine output (< 2 mL per kg per hour) |
141 |
21 |
altered color: central cyanosis or dusky |
145 |
22 |
bleeding skin, lungs or GI tract |
147 |
22 |
thrombocytopenia |
147 |
23 |
cord blood pH < 7.1 |
151 |
24 |
hypoglycemia (< 2.2 mmol/L) |
151 |
25 |
intraventricular hemorrhage: Grade 1 or 2 |
152 |
26 |
Apgar score at 10 minutes < 7 |
154 |
27 |
flaccidity at 1-120 hours |
154 |
28 |
meconium below cords |
155 |
29 |
multiple seizures |
155 |
30 |
hypotonia persisting beyond 120 hours |
156 |
31 |
heart rate < 100 beats per minute |
157 |
32 |
mechanical ventilation beyond 7 days |
161 |
33 |
cardiopulmonary resuscitation at any time |
162 |
34 |
bacterial culture of blood: positive findings |
162 |
35 |
Apgar score at 05 minutes < 4 |
162 |
36 |
transfusion for anemia or low platelet count |
170 |
37 |
fracture of long bone, clavicle or skull |
176 |
38 |
serum bilirubin > 340 µmol/L, OR need for exchange transfusion |
179 |
39 |
subdural or intracranial hematoma |
179 |
40 |
facial or peripheral nerve injury at birth |
183 |
41 |
heart rate > 200 beats per minute |
183 |
42 |
intraventricular hemorrhage: Grade 3 or 4 |
186 |
43 |
bacterial culture of CSF: positive findings |
187 |
44 |
Apgar score at 10 minutes < 4 |
187 |
45 |
multiple seizures and > 2 drugs needed to treat |
183 |
46 |
level of consciousness: stupor, obtundation, coma |
187 |
47 |
Apgar score at 05 minutes < 1 |
193 |
from Table 1, page 704, Verma 1999
Separation into Related Groups
Group |
Description |
Value |
Item |
Apgar |
Apgar score at 05 minutes < 1 |
193 |
47 |
Apgar |
Apgar score at 05 minutes < 4 |
162 |
35 |
Apgar |
Apgar score at 05 minutes < 7 |
125 |
8 |
Apgar |
Apgar score at 10 minutes < 4 |
187 |
44 |
Apgar |
Apgar score at 10 minutes < 7 |
154 |
26 |
bilirubin |
serum bilirubin 251-340 µmol/L, OR need for phototherapy |
103 |
3 |
bilirubin |
serum bilirubin > 340 µmol/L , OR need for exchange transfusion |
179 |
38 |
blood |
bleeding skin, lungs or GI tract, OR thrombocytopenia |
147 |
22 |
blood |
transfusion for anemia or low platelet count |
170 |
36 |
intraventricular hemorrhage: Grade 1 or 2 |
152 |
25 |
intraventricular hemorrhage: Grade 3 or 4 |
186 |
42 |
subdural or intracranial hematoma |
179 |
39 |
level of consciousness: drowsy or lethargic |
137 |
16 |
level of consciousness: stupor, obtundation, coma |
187 |
46 |
culture |
bacterial culture of CSF: positive findings |
187 |
43 |
culture |
bacterial culture of blood: positive findings |
162 |
34 |
general |
altered color: central cyanosis or dusky |
145 |
21 |
general |
cord blood pH < 7.1 |
151 |
23 |
general |
facial or peripheral nerve injury at birth |
183 |
40 |
general |
fracture of long bone, clavicle or skull |
176 |
37 |
general |
hypoglycemia (< 2.2 mmol/L) |
151 |
24 |
general |
low systolic blood pressure (< 30 mm Hg for 28-32 weeks, < 40 mm Hg for 32-42 weeks) |
136 |
14 |
general |
low urine output (< 2 mL per kg per hour) |
141 |
20 |
general |
persistent vomiting |
136 |
15 |
lung |
apnea and need for oxygen |
115 |
4 |
lung |
apnea corrected by resuscitation |
140 |
18 |
lung |
meconium below cords |
155 |
28 |
lung |
respiratory rate > 100 per minute 3 to 24 hours |
140 |
19 |
lung |
respiratory rate < 30 per minute or > 60 per minute at 3-24 hours |
131 |
12 |
pulse |
heart rate < 100 beats per minute |
157 |
31 |
pulse |
heart rate > 160 beats per minute |
120 |
7 |
pulse |
heart rate > 200 beats per minute |
183 |
41 |
resuscitation |
resuscitation at birth with intubation |
127 |
9 |
resuscitation |
cardiopulmonary resuscitation at any time |
162 |
33 |
seizures |
single seizure, OR tremors |
137 |
17 |
seizures |
multiple seizures |
155 |
29 |
seizures |
multiple seizures and > 2 drugs needed to treat |
183 |
45 |
muscle |
flaccidity at 1-120 hours |
154 |
27 |
muscle |
hypotonia at 1-120 hours |
129 |
10 |
muscle |
hypotonia persisting beyond 120 hours |
156 |
30 |
sucking |
poor sucking within 24 hours |
81 |
1 |
sucking |
poor sucking at 24 hours to 7 days |
98 |
2 |
sucking |
poor sucking beyond 7 days |
119 |
6 |
ventilation |
assisted ventilation beyond 24 hours |
117 |
5 |
ventilation |
mechanical ventilation within 24 hours |
130 |
11 |
ventilation |
mechanical ventilation at 24 hours to 7 days |
135 |
13 |
ventilation |
mechanical ventilation beyond 7 days |
161 |
32 |
• I used a platelet count < 150,000 per µL to indicate thrombocytopenia in the implementation.
• The best way to handle hypotonia, sucking and mechanical ventilation is uncertain due to the use of time intervals. One method is to include a score for the occurrence at each time interval. The second is to take the maximal value in each group.
• The following need to be measured on at least 2 occasions: level of consciousness, low urine output, apnea, respiratory rate, flaccidity, hypotonia, assisted ventilation and heart rate.
= SUM(points for items present)
• minimum score: 0
• maximum score: > 5,000
MAIN Score |
Morbidity |
<= 300 |
very mild to mild |
301 - 600 |
mild |
601 - 2,000 |
mild to moderate |
> 2000 |
moderate to severe |
Specialty: Pedatrics
ICD-10: ,