The multiple endocrine neoplasia 4 (MEN4) resembles the MENX syndrome in rats.
Chromosome: 12p13.1-p12
Gene: CDKN1B
Normal product: p27(kip1) cyclin-dependent kinase 2 inhibitor
In MEN4 there is an absence of p27 in tumor cells as a result of various loss-of-function mutations
Inheritance: autosomal dominant
Associated tumors:
(1) parathyroid adenoma with hyperparathyroidism
(2) pituitary adenoma
(3) gonadal tumors (testicular cancer in males, neuroendocrine cervical cancer in females)
(4) adrenal and renal tumors
(5) pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor
(6) thyroid tumors
A patient may be initially diagnosed as MEN1 but will not have a mutation in the MEN1 gene.
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Specialty: Hematology Oncology, Genetics, Surgery, general