
Sigmund Freud described the Oedipus Complex and considered it an essential element of psychoanalysis. Its significance has changed significantly since then.

Oedipus in Greek literature is a king of Thebes who unknowingly slays his father and marries his mother.


Positive Oedipus Complex:

(1) The child has sexual desire for the parent of the opposite sex.

(2) The child hates or is jealous of the parent of the same sex.

(3) There is a desire to take the place of the parent of the same sex.


Negative Oedipus Complex:

(1) The child has sexual desire for the parent of the same sex.

(2) The child hates or is jealous of the parent of the opposite sex.

(3) There is a desire to take the place of the parent of the opposite sex.


The child recognizes the threat posed by the hated parent. In boys this may result in castration anxiety.

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