
A one punch assault refers to an altercation in which the victim suffers a single but serious blow to the head, which be fatal.


Synonyms: king hit, coward punch (if to the back of the head)



(1) single blow to the head, typically delivered with excessive force

(2) the blow causes a knockout with the victim losing consciousness

(3) the victim may have a secondary fall injury with the environment


In severe cases the person can develop significant traumatic brain injury with neurologic impairment or death.


Risk factors associated with one punch assault:

(1) alcohol or drug abuse (methamphetamine, other)

(2) young male

(3) hard, raised surfaces in the environment

(4) weekend, holiday or sporting event

(5) exposure to violence or aggressive personality


Differential diagnosis:

(1) fall from intoxication

(2) intentional homicide with blow to the base of the skull (soap in a sock)

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