
Pericas et al reported for criteria for outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT) for infective endocarditis. The authors are from multiple institutions in Spain.

Patient selection: infective endocarditis


Inclusion criteria - both of the following:

(1) overcome the acute critical phase

(2) no exclusion criteria


Exclusion criteria:

(1) liver cirrhosis Child B or C

(2) active intravenous drug user

(3) severe CNS emboli

(4) undrained large renal and/or splenic abscess

(5) vertebral abscess requiring neurosurgery

(6) periannular complications or other severe conditions requiring surgery but unable to perform

(7) severe postsurgical complications

(8) very difficult-to-treat micro-organism


Severe CNS emboli - any of the following: fixed neurological deficit, hemorrhagic infarct, large infarct > 2 cm, > 3 emboli.


Severe conditions in item 6 include: perivalvular abscess, fistula, perforation, pseudoaneurysm cardiac tamponade

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