
The Overwhelming Postsplenectomy Infection Syndrome (OPSI) may occur in a patient who has had a splenectomy. It is associated with a high mortality rate, especially when not treated aggressively.

Features of OPSI:

(1) history of splenectomy, which may be recent or remote (highest risk in first 2 years)

(2) fulminant bacteremia and/or meningitis usually with an encapsulated organism

(3) septic shock with DIC


A patient with asplenia is at risk for a comparable syndrome.


Additional findings:

(1) no obvious focus of infection

(2) short, nonspecific prodrome


Risk factors:

(1) infant

(2) splenectomy for a hematologic disorder (versus trauma)

(3) immunodeficiency or immunsuppression

(4) failure to adequately vaccinate against encapsulated organisms


Common pathogens:

(1) Streptococcus pneumoniae

(2) Hemophilus influenzae

(3) Neisseria meningitidis

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