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A patient with African Trypanosomiasis may develop a pancarditis. The course and severity of the cardiac involvement depends on the subspecies. The cardiac involvement is often overshadowed by the neurological deterioration but can cause sudden death.


T. brucei gambiense

T. brucei rhodesiense


West and Central African

East and Southern African

onset of pancarditis after infected

within months

within weeks

heart failure

mild to moderate

moderate to severe


Clinical findings include:

(1) cardiomegaly

(2) pericardial effusion

(3) heart failure


ECG changes are more prevalent in late stage disease:

(1) ST changes

(2) low QRS voltages

(3) prolongation of QTc

(4) depression PR segment


Laboratory findings:

(1) elevated BNP and NT-pro-BNP

(2) histologic evidence of pancarditis (endomyocardial biopsy not recommended)


Differential diagnosis:

(1) treatment-related cardiotoxicity

(2) other causes of heart failure (anemia, etc)


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