
An angiosarcoma of the breast is a rare, malignant tumor that can be a challenge to diagnose and manage. It is essential not to misdiagnose a low grade angiosarcoma as a benign angioma.


Gross features of an angiosarcoma of the breast:

(1) usually presents as a palpable mass measuring > 2 cm in diameter

(2) the tumor is hemorrhagic with ill-defined and irregular margins


Microscopic features of an angiosarcoma of the breast:

(1) vascular channels are complex, serpiginous and anastamosing

(2) nuclear atypia and mitoses are present, but may be limited to some areas, so a thorough histologic exam of multiple sections is required

(3) the tumor invades and expands lobules


Findings not seen in an angiosarcoma that are associated with an angioma:

(1) fibrous septae dividing the lesion into lobules

(2) the presence of a feeder vessel


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