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Goldhill et al developed criteria for calling the patient-at-risk team (PART).


NOTE: The Patient-At-Risk Early Warning Score of Goldhill et al is reported above (42.11.04).


The PART is called:

(1) The senior nurse uses Plan A or Plan B (below) to notify physician responsible for patient. If care by the physician does not result in immediate improvement, then the team is called.

(2) If there is an emergency and the physician responsible is not readily available.

(3) If a doctor of registrar grade or above finds the patient to be seriously ill and causing acute concern.


Plan A for when a senior nurse should contact the physician responsible for a patient: 3 or more of the following:

(1) respiratory rate < 10 or >= 25 breaths per minute

(2) systolic blood pressure < 90 mm Hg

(3) pulse < 55 or >= 110 beats per minute

(4) The patient is not fully alert and oriented.

(5) oxygen saturation < 90%

(6) urine output over the past 4 hours < 100 mL


Plan B for when a senior nurse should contact the physician responsible for a patient: both of the following:

(1) The patient is not fully alert and oriented.

(2) one or both of the following:

(2a) respiratory rate >= 35 breaths per minute

(2b) heart rate >= 140 beats per minute


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