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Kumar et al compared different methods for measuring the length of a cane required to fit a patient. The authors are from the University of California at Los Angeles and the associated Veterans Affairs Medical Center.



(1) The patient should be wearing the shoes that will be worn when walking.

(2) The tip of the cane should be placed 6 inches (15.24 cm) lateral to the little toe.



(1) from floor to top of greater trochanter

(2) from floor to the distal wrist crease with the arm hanging down close to the body

(3) formula 1 using measured body height

(4) formula 2 using arm length


length of the cane in meters by formula 1 =

= (0.45 * (body height in meters)) + 0.087


length of the cane in meters by formula 2 =

= (0.76 * (arm length in meters)) + 0.19



• Arm length = distance from sternal notch to the tip of the middle finger with the arm abducted at 90° and the fingers fully extended.

• The formula using body height on page1174 differs from that in the abstract.



• Ideally the elbow should have 20-30° of flexion when using the cane.

• Only a small percentage (8%) of patients fitted using the greater trochanter length had the desired elbow angle.

• 94% of patients fitted using the distal wrist crease had the desired elbow angle.


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