
Borgman et al developed a score for evaluating children exposed to civilian or military trauma. This can help to identify children who are at increased risk for mortality. The authors are from Children's Hospital Boston, Brooke Army Medical Center, Cologne Merheim Medical Center, University of Texas Health Science Center Houston, US Army Institute of Surgical Research and the Blood Research Systems Institute in San Francisco.


Patient selection: < 18 years of age with war or civilian trauma



(1) base deficit ("B") in mmol/L or mEq/L

(2) INR ("I")

(3) Glasgow coma score ("G")


BIG score =

= (base deficit) + (2.5 * (INR)) + (15 - (Glasgow coma score))



• minimum score: < 0 (with base excess)

• maximum score: > 32

• The higher the score the greater the mortality.


X =

= (0.2 * (BIG score)) - 5.208


predicted mortality =

= 1 / (1+ EXP((-1)*X))


BIG Score

Mortality Rate

< 1.3

<= 1.5%

1.3 to 4.9


5 to 16


> 16



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