The Periodontal Treatment Need System (PTNS) can be used to determine the periodontal therapeutic needs in a population. It can be used to estimate the manpower and costs needed to address the problems found on examination.
Classification Criteria
plaque |
calculus and/or overhang |
inflammation |
pocket depth |
Class |
no |
no |
no |
not applicable |
0 |
yes |
no |
yes |
<= 5 mm |
A |
yes |
yes |
yes |
<= 5 mm |
B |
yes |
yes |
yes |
> 5 mm |
C |
Patient Assessment
Classes 0 and A are assigned based on assessment of the entire mouth.
Classes B and C are assigned based on oral quadrants.
(1) Normally the mouth is divided into 4 quadrants (left maxillary, right maxillary, left mandibular, right mandibular).
(2) If less than 8 teeth are present on the maxilla or mandible, then this is taken as one quadrant.
(3) If 4 teeth or less are in the mouth as a whole, then the mouth is considered to have one quadrant.
(1) Each tooth is probed on all surfaces.
(2) If a pocket deeper than 5 mm is found, then the whole quadrant is scored as C.
(3) A pocket deeper than 5 mm mesially to the central incisors is not scored as C, if it is the only C pocket in that quadrant, AND if the other quadrant on the same jaw has been scored as C.
Treatment Plan
Class |
Treatment |
Time to Complete |
0 |
no treatment needed |
0 |
A |
oral hygiene instructions |
60 minutes |
B |
scaling and removal of calculus and overhangs |
30 minutes per quadrant for scaling |
C |
surgery |
60 minutes per quadrant for surgery |
A patient with Class B disease also requires Class A management.
A patient with Class C disease also requires Class A and Class B management.
The maximum time estimates for a person with all teeth present and severe periodontal disease involving all quadrants would be 7 hours (1 hour for each quadrant for surgery, 30 minutes for each quadrant for cleaning, and 1 hour for training, or 4 + 2 + 1).
• The time estimates seem overly generous except for the surgery on severely affected areas.
Specialty: Otolaryngology
ICD-10: ,