
Almost half of patients will develop one or more persistent symptoms following infection with West Nile virus. Cook et al listed various risk factors for these symptoms. The authors are from the Unviersity of Florida at Gainesville, University of Pittsburgh and health departments in Idaho.


Risk factors for persistent symptoms:

(1) comorbid hypertension

(2) comorbid diabetes

(3) neuroinvasive disease (encephalitis, meningitis, meningoencephalitis)



• Diabetes and hypertension are associated with increased severity of the acute illness.

• An acute infection that is severe is more likely to have persistent symptoms.

• Gender is reported as not being a risk factor for persistent symptoms, but in Table 3 it is listed as increasing the risk for fatigue and balance problems.


Persistent symptoms include:

(1) fatigue

(2) muscle aches (sore all over)

(3) decreased activity

(4) memory difficulties

(5) difficulty concentrating

(6) problems with balance

(7) weakness

(8) change in vision

(9) pain

(10) tremor

(11) bladder problems


These symptoms can last 6 months or more after the infection.


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