For a person 15 to 69 years of age, the PAR-Q can help identify a person who should consult with a doctor before starting the activity.
The screening instrument consists of 7 questions. The responses are yes or no.
A person with all "No" responses can start becoming more physically active. The person should start slowly and then gradually build up the level of exertion.
A physician should be contacted prior to starting activity if:
(1) one or more "yes" responses is given to the screening questions
(2) there is any doubt about completing this questionnaire
(3) if there is a change in health
(4) the person is 70 years of age or older and has not been very active
(5) the person is or may be pregnant
The person should delay becoming much more active if:
(1) not feeling well because of a temporary illness such as a cold or a fever.
(2) the person is or may be pregnant (pending clearance by a physician)