
A urethral stent can provide temporary relief for a male with benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH).

Indications to temporarily place a urethral stent:

(1) The patient is at high risk for surgical complications, especially if the high risk is for a limited period.

(2) The patient has persistent urinary tract infection related to the urethral obstruction.

(3) To identify a patient who may or may not benefit from a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). A patient is likely to benefit from TURP if he does not have leakage and if he has reduced symptoms. A patient with hyperactive bladder or worsening of symptoms may have problems after TURP.



(1) stone formation

(2) urinary frequency

(3) transient urgency

(4) overactive bladder

(5) incontinence

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