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Ingestion of poppy seed tea can expose a person to opium alkaloids.

While mature poppy seeds do not opium alkaloids, the seeds may be contaminated with these alkaloids during the harvest or as a result of pest damage.


Opium alkaloids that may contaminate with poppy seeds include:

(1) morphine

(2) codeine

(3) thebaine

(4) oripavine


Washed poppy seeds of food grade contain only small amounts of opium alkaloids.


Unwashed poppy seeds may contain significant amounts of the alkaloids. This may be accidental, but these are also marketed as "legal" highs. It is legal in many countries to sell unwashed poppy seeds.


If the seeds are washed and the water discarded, then the alkaloids can be removed. If used without washing, then exposure occurs. The amount of the exposure depends on the level of contamination, the amount of washing, and the amount ingested.


Morphine and codeine ingestion can lead to intoxication, respiratory depression, and dependence. High level exposure can result in coma and death.


Thebaine ingestion can result in tonic-clonic seizures, muscle spasms, and hyperreflexia. High level exposures can cause acute kidney injury, rhabdomyolysis and cardiac arrest.

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