A patient with sickle cell disease (SCD) may experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Patient selection: sickle cell disease
Clinical features associated with PTSD:
(1) history of one or more serious sickle crises
(2) intrusive distressing recollections of painful events (re-experiencing)
(3) fear of pain and increase in pain perception
(4) depression
(5) heightened arousal
(6) avoidance
(7) reduced quality of life
Caregivers may also develop PTSD associated with feelings of powerlessness.
A patient experiencing PTSD is at risk for substance abuse (self-medication) and disordered sleep.
The presence of other reasons for PTSD (adverse childhood experiences) may increase the risk.
The differential diagnosis of neuropsychiatric changes in patients with SCD include stroke and microinfarcts.