Mastropaolo developed an equation to predict maximal oxygen uptake and consumption in middle aged men based on parameters measured during a simple submaximal exercise test.
Subjects and exercise apparatus:
(1) Subjects were 13 males between the ages of 41 and 60.
(2) Testing was done on a bicycle ergometer
(3) The patients were connected to a spirometer with gas analyzer.
(4) The patients were exercised to maximal oxygen uptake as determined by the Haldane-Douglas bag method.
(5) The subjects were worked at 300 kpm/min for 6 minutes, 600 kpm/min for 6 minutes, 900 kpm/min for 5 minutes, 1200 kpm/min for 4 minutes and 1500 kpm/min or higher for 3 minutes.
maximal oxygen consumption in liters per minute =
= 14.703 - (4.909 * (respiratory exchange ratio)) - (0.008 * (work rate)) - (0.004 * (diastolic blood pressure)) + (0.018 * (expired volume)) - (16.083 * (expired fraction of oxygen))
• maximal oxygen consumption is expressed in liters per minute
• The respiratory exchange ratio is the ratio of carbon dioxide output to oxygen uptake and is normally measured as the ratio of VCO2 to VO2 in the mouth under STPD. In resting persons this is about 0.8 but may increase to over 1.0 during exercise (mean value in study was 0.95)
• work rate is expressed in kpm per minute during exercise
• diastolic blood pressure is expressed in mm Hg
• expired volume = liters of air per minute under BTPS (mean value in study 50.1)
• expired fraction of oxygen = fraction of oxygen in the expired air (mean value in study 0.1683)
• STPD = standard temperature and pressure, dry
• BTPS = body temperature and pressure, saturated with water vapor
The mean maximal oxygen uptake was 2.62 liters per minute (standard deviation 0.37).
• multiple correlation: 0.93
• standard error of estimate: 0.172 L/min
Purpose: To estimate the maximal oxygen uptake in middle-aged men using the equation of Mastropaolo based on findings during submaximal exercise testing.
Specialty: Surgery, orthopedic
Objective: laboratory tests, other testing, exercise
ICD-10: Z50, R00,