Gupta et al predicted the risk of postoperative pneumonia using a risk calculator using data from the 2007 NSQIP data set. This can help to identify a patient who may benefit from more aggressive management. The authors are from William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital, University of Wisconsin, Creighton University, University of Pittsburgh and VA Nebraska and Western Iowa Health Care System.
Patient selection: patient undergoing surgery
(1) age
(2) COPD
(3) smoking within the past year
(4) functional status
(5) ASA status
(6) preoperative SIRS or sepsis
(7) type of operation
Parameter |
Finding |
Beta-Coefficient |
age |
0.0144*(age) |
no |
-0.4553 |
yes |
0 |
smoking |
no |
-0.4306 |
yes |
0 |
functional status |
independent |
0 |
partially dependent |
0.7653 |
totally dependent |
0.9400 |
ASA status |
ASA 1 |
-3.0225 |
ASA 2 |
-1.6057 |
ASA 3 |
-0.4915 |
ASA 4 |
0.0123 |
ASA 5 |
0 |
preoperative SIRS/sepsis |
none |
-0.7641 |
0 |
sepsis |
-0.0842 |
septic shock |
0.1048 |
Type of Surgery |
Beta-Coefficient |
anorectal |
-0.8470 |
aortic |
0.7178 |
bariatric |
-0.6282 |
brain |
0.6841 |
breast |
-2.3318 |
cardiac |
0.1382 |
-0.3665 |
foregut |
1.0660 |
hepatopancreatobiliary |
1.0660 |
hernia |
0 |
gallbladder |
-0.3951 |
adrenal gland |
-0.3951 |
appendix |
-0.3951 |
spleen |
-0.3951 |
intestinal |
0.6169 |
neck |
-0.0872 |
OB-Gyn |
-0.4101 |
orthopedic |
-0.5415 |
other abdominal |
0.4021 |
peripheral vascular |
-0.4519 |
skin |
-0.5075 |
spine |
-0.5672 |
thoracic |
0.8901 |
vein |
-1.476 |
urology |
0.1076 |
X =
= SUM(points for all of the parameters) - 2.8977
probability of postoperative pneumonia =
= 1 / (1 + EXP((-1) * X))
• The area under the ROC curve is 0.86.
Purpose: To predict the risk of postoperative pneumonia using the risk calculator of Gupta et al.
Specialty: Infectious Diseases
Objective: risk factors
ICD-10: J12, J13, J14, J15, J16, J17, J18, J95,