
Asensio et al reported predictors of outcome for a trauma patient undergoing damage control surgery. The authors are from the University of Southern California.

Patient selection - one or more of the following:

(1) estimated blood loss >= 2,000 mL during trauma surgery

(2) >= 1,500 mL packed RBC during resuscitation

(3) clinical diagnosis of exsanguination


Predictors for mortality:

(1) temperature < 34°C

(2) OR blood replacement > 4,000 mL

(3) total OR fluid replacement > 10,000 mL

(4) estimated blood loss > 15 mL/min

(5) pH <= 7.2


Predictors of survival in the ED:

(1) penetrating trauma

(2) spontaneous ventilation

(3) no thoracotomy in the ED


Predictors of survival in the OR:

(1) ISS <= 20

(2) spontaneous ventilation in the ED

(3) OR PRBC replacement < 4,000 mL

(4) no thoracotomy in the ED or OR

(5) absence of abdominal vascular injury

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