
Bauer et al reported factors associated with gang membership in young Brazilians. These are based on adverse childhood experiences (ACE). The authors are from the Federal University of Pelotas, University of Bristol, and the University of Porto.

Adverse childhood experiences that may be associated with gang membership:

(1) physical neglect

(2) physical abuse

(3) emotional abuse

(4) sexual abuse

(5) domestic violence

(6) parental divorce

(7) parental death

(8) maternal mental illness

(9) separation from parents

(10) neighborhood fear

(11) discrimination

(12) poverty


Risk factors for gang membership:

(1) physical abuse (OR 2.8)

(2) emotional abuse (OR 2.8)

(3) domestic violence (OR 3.4)

(4) parental divorce (OR 2.0)

(5) separation from parents (OR 3.1)

(6) cumulative number of ACE (OR 7.4 for 3, OR 8.9 for >= 4)

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