Gabriel et al reported predictors of unplanned intubation following a thyroidectomy. These can help to identify a patient who may require more aggressive management. The authors are from the University of California San Diego.
Patient selection: status post thyroidectomy
Outcome: unplanned intubation within 30 days of thyroidectomy
Predictors of unplanned intubation:
(1) functional dependency (HR 3.1 for partial, 4.6 for total)
(2) older age (HR 1.2 per decade)
(3) current smoke (HR 1.5)
(4) COPD (HR 1.9)
(5) dialysis (HR 2.1)
(6) ASA status 3 to 5 (HR 2.5)
(7) bleeding disorder (HR 2.1)
hazard ratio for age =
= 1.2 ^ (INT((age)/10))
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