
A child with goiter and hyperthyroidism may require prolonged therapy with an antithyroid medication to achieve a remission. Glaser and Styne identified factors predicting early remission in such a patient. The authors are from the University of California at Davis.


Early remission was defined as remission within 2 years of starting antithyroid medications.



(1) size of the goiter (see 13.08.33, above)

(2) Z-score for the body mass index (BMI) of the child (referred to as the BMI SD score in the paper)


Z score =

= ((child's BMI) - (mean for BMI for age, gender, race)) / (standard deviation for BMI for age, gender, race)

Size of the Goiter

Body Mass Index Z-score

Percent Early Remission

minimal or small

<= -0.5


minimal or small

> -0.5


moderate to large

<= -0.5


moderate to large

> -0.5



Since the mean and standard deviation date may not be readily available it should be possible to correlate below normal, low normal, normal, etc. with the Z-score.


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